Spatial Transcriptomic Atlas of Mouse Embryo
Development in Organogenesis

Mammalian embryo organogenesis are fascinating biological events, through which a framework for functional manifestation of organs is created, and the mechanisms involved are essential guidelines for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The 3D mouse organogenesis spatial transcriptome is build from the expression data collected by 10x Visium platform on a single mouse embryo at organogenesis stage (E13.5). We transversely cryosectioned individual mouse embryo into 1000 pieces of 10-μm-thick-slice and sampled 10 sections to represent the molecular feature of the embryo, covering the majority of tissue or organs that an animal embryo contains.

Features of MOST


(1) A high-quality spatial atlas at mid-organogenesis of mouse embryo

(2) Provided new insights into defining key genes for specific developing organs

(3) Provided better views of cell location, cell communication and heterogeneity in a developing cell lineage

(4) Built an expandable web portal for further deciphering mouse organogenesis

Access Database

Explore for the spatial domain of all sections in the 2D and 3D format.

Explore for the spatial expression pattern of genes in mammalian embryo organogenesis.

Explore for the spatial activity score of regulon in mammalian embryo organogenesis.

Retrieve genes that share similar expression patterns of a query gene.

Spatial Domain Explorer

We identified 19 consensus spot clusters and annotated them based on the expression of the signature genes. The spatial transcriptome atlas covered the majority of tissue or organs at this stage such as brain cerebrum, spinal cord, respiration tract systems, gastrointestinal tract systems, circulation system, bone, skin, gonad and etc.

Spatial Transcriptomics Explorer

Spatial expression pattern

Regulation Explorer

Spatial Activity Score

Gene Pattern Explorer

Retrieve genes that share similar expression patterns of a query gene (five genes are listed).

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